CANCELLATION OF SPORTING EVENTS In light of the current global Covid-19 situation, all Sporting Federations received a directive from the Ministry of Sport via the Sports and Recreation Commission that all sporting events and gatherings of more than 100 people are banned with immediate effect following the address made by the President this week. The [&... read more
Apologies for the delay in getting this out to you – ongoing gremlins and goblins and cut cables in my internet connection so made another plan to get onto the system – the results from Sunday’s events are attached – as these were fun events there were no timings recorded and positions are calculated on […]
Many thanks go to Twin Rivers for kindly hosting their first ever aquathlon yesterday Friday 13th March – Series event # 9 for the Juniors in the Interschools Aquathlon 2019-2020 series, a fantastic afternoon for all the children and supporters – thank you to all the Twin Rivers staff for assisting with course set up […]
Dear all Triathlon and Aquathlon Zimbabwe members, We have received an invitation from one of our very own Triathlon members Mei Gill, a Grade 11 student at Harare International school to support her and her class-mates in their quest to raise funds for a very good cause. On 2nd APril, HIS will be hosting a 24 […]