Contact Pam on +263 712 401524 to order yours today – all funds raised go towards Development Projects
Congratulations to the Management Committee (Executive Board) for 2020-2021 Season – David Ellis President Pamela Fulton Vice President Jason Bennett Treasurer Christo Jacobs 4th Member Minutes and full set of supporting documents from the AGM will be published shortly and emailed to the triathlon family. We look forward to a successful year ahead... read more
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS OF TRIATHLON ZIMBABWE You are all invited to attend the 32ND ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Triathlon Zimbabwe to be held on SUNDAY 7TH JUNE 2020 at INNOVATE HIGH PERFORMANCE CENTRE, THE CHASE, MOUNT PLEASANT, HARARE. We ask you to please note the following : Mr Demos Koutoungos has submitted his […]
Thanks once again to everyone who entered our Lockdown Art Competition ‘What Triathlon Means To Me’. Great to see a lot of thought, enjoyment and creativity went into these wonderful artworks. Due to entries received from all ages across the board, we decided to introduce 2 categories, Under 12 and Open category Congratulations to o... read more
Well Hello Everyone, Please forgive the silence – hope are all keeping busy, safe and healthy during these very unsettling times, it will get better. As you will remember, our End of Season Events for Triathlon and Aquathlon had to be cancelled at the end of March with the onset of Covid-19 and all the […]